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June 26, 2024:  Very Hot today, so we decided not to go down (and then back up) the 212 stairs to our car, today. We just hung out at our place.

June 27, 2024:  WE went out to dinner at the Restaurant Izvor on the Sotomore boardwalk. Nice place, I had Sea Bass with veggies and potatoes and Fitz has pasta with veggies. Later we went to one of the beach bars where I sat in a swing chair while Fitz smoked a “red Dragon” flavored hookah. We sent Tyler(grandson) a photo of Fitz smoking the hookah.

June 28, 2024:  Spent much of the day driving to and from Kotor Bay old town.  We spent several hours exploring the shops and alleyways of the walled city. We ordered some sandwiches at a cafe, I ordered turkey, salami and cheese but got a ham and cheese, The only vegetarian item they offered was a cheese sandwich so that’s what Fitz had, but it was so bad he didn’t even want to finish it. Later he had a slice of cheese pizza elsewhere and that was ok. Kotor had a lot more to offer than Sutomore. It had history and an old town section, however it was very crowded and touristy, with cruise ship tours everywhere. On the ride back we stopped at various “pull offs” to take scenic photos of the vicinity.

June 29, 2024:  Stayed home and watched “Mrs. Harris goes to Paris”, a British movie period piece, 1975ish, cute and not predictable. Lucas Brava was in the film. Fitz read his 10th book, all sci-fi, since we were here.

June 30, 2024:  Another very hot day. so we stayed in and did wash, and ate sandwiches on the patio overlooking the calm water.

July 1, 2024:  Big highlight of the day today was going to the grocery store.

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