June 1 2024 Saturday: After taking the bus, we will hook up with Carlos and Silva and their 2 boys for lunch at 11:00 till about 3-4 as the oldest (Laurencio) has a soccer game later. We had a delightful dinner with them at this place (like Seawatch in Florida) only better, that Carlos had arranged. The view had huge cliffs, rocks and a huge tidal pool with swimmers even. Quite dramatic scenery. Our meal was also awesome. I had pork chops, asparagus and fries, Fitz had fish with polenta. The kids seemed to like their gifts from us (Uno game, silly putty, bug puzzle, tattoos and candy) playing UNO at the table. Carlos got a LRC game and Sylvia got a hand made botanical print under glass. We never get to use the 20 euro coin I’d collected to play Carlos’s game, oh well. They brought us a bottle of wine from Alegenteo area of Portugal where Sylvia is from. I took lots of pix, so hopefully, they will come away with a good feeling of us. Fitz sent them all the pix so they should like that the setting was beautiful. Carlos sent Fitz a nice text saying they had a good time with us and the kids especially liked hanging out with us. It was a great day.